Extra Ordinary Patrick Kganye

Patrick Selling His Biltong 
Meet Patrick Kganye, a young entrepreneur who runs a business called Mojoy. Mojoy sells Biltong around S.A and runs a service called Rent-A-Chef which allows customers to call in Mojoy Chef to do some cooking in their own homes.Your usually hear people saying South Africans are lazy and what not, Patrick Kganye proves that all those negative statements about South Africans are false, Patrick is young and far from lazy, he wakes up around 6am and hits the streets with his team. We took sometime to ask him a few questions and this is what he had to say:

K1HS: So Patrick would you tell us what is Mojoy?
Patrick:Mojoy is a my company specializing in biltong and we also have a rent-a-chef side

K1HS: Wow, short and straight to the point. So what would you like to archive as Mojoy
Patrick: we working to building a household name Be it on the biltong side n chef side

K1HS: All the best with That Man, Tell Us What Motivated You To Start Mojoy?
Patrick:We started MoJoy coz we saw a huge gap in the market n also to create job opportunities to young people around katlehong n surroundings

K1HS:Please take many young people out off the streets,In Your Businesses, what kind of problems do you face on a daily basis?
Patrick: Well to be precise one of our biggest problems is employing the right people to help us push the business forward.
One Of Patricks Platters

K1HS: Wow Patrick, Not taking any more of your time,Please give young people out there who would like to start the type of business you have started!
Patrick:My advice to young people is:start where you are instead on waiting for the government to fund You..start where you are and use what you have to push your dream forward

This Interview Is Part Of The Extra Ordinary Young South Africans Pieces We Are Running. To Submit Your Extra Ordinary Story, email PuaPha@gmail.com and add ExtraOrdinaryK1HS as Subject Of Your Email.