The human will is by far the strongest power that has ever existed in the world. The human will surpasses the power of the ocean,the sun,wind and fire. All this things kneel at the command of man. Understand how the human will can reverse the flow of the ocean,change the direction of the wind,cool the heat of the fire and dim the brightness of the sun. Everything that exists in this world branches from the body of man,man is in all this things and because of that he can do as he wishes with everything if he so wills. Thanks to the all mighty God for that gift in man. Imagine what was man going to be if all this things that exist were able to do as they wish to him without him having control on this things. Man would have been far more dead than he is now.

Yes,today many of us are dead but we still wake up in the morning and go to sleep at night. We have become man of flesh,man of lust, who are incapable of executing easy tasks but can execute hard tasks. We have BUILT huge ships and airplanes but can not control storms and predict the future. Man have become machines,many have no will anymore, it has been taken from them by those at the top of the world of flesh. Those who have given away their precious gift from God to the rulers of this world would have the highest price to pay back what they have sold for cheap. For what-ever price offered, will shall not be sold. The human mind that is after materialistic things is the barrier of the human will, the mind that has doubts and fear is also the beerier of the human will, fear and doubt and the love for materialistic possession should be removed so that the human will and its power are fully utilized by an individual, if one wants to get far with life, the Human will shall be utilized. Where there is a will there is a way.
When I was 22, I remember sitting down with one of mentors and eagerly telling him about all of the success I had building my company. Within minutes, I started telling him about a franchise I was getting ready to launch, an investment collective I was going to help expand, and an idea for a new technology company. Throw in the family obligations and my desire to maintain an active lifestyle and I was way over my head.

At this point, I had been engaged with my current company for a little over three years. We had received traction and a bit of publicity, but we were nowhere near our fullest potential. After patiently listening to all of the things I was working on or going to be working on, my mentor directed my attention to one of the most valuable leadership lessons I’ve learned in my life: the disciplined pursuit of less.

The disciplined pursuit of less is an essentialism theory that was coined by Greg McKeon. Simply framed, success is our biggest barrier to becoming very successful. Greg’s rationale is summed up into four phases:
Phase 1: When we really have clarity of purpose, it leads to success.
Phase 2: When we have success, it leads to more options and opportunities.
Phase 3: When we have increased options and opportunities, it leads to diffused efforts.
Phase 4: Diffused efforts undermine the very clarity that led to our success in the first place.

For a couple of months, I resisted this thinking. I reasoned that these different opportunities were things I was supposed to take advantage of so I could be very successful. Overtime, however, something happened. I realized that my fundraising within my current company was slowing, transparency was decreasing, and morale wasn’t where I would’ve liked it to be. In that moment, it was clear that I didn’t have clarity of purpose.
I shifted gears after I carefully evaluated my priorities, my commitments, and my values. As I went through the personal reflection exercise, I started to let my values dictate my commitments and I began to make the difficult decision of letting things go. I learned that I had to say no more often if I was ever going to be able to say yes to the things that I wanted to do.

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Many people have tried be to winners just like Bill Gates and the likes, they have tried many times and have found themselves loosing time and time again. This is because they have not realized that winning its culture to Bill Gates and the likes, and as most of us know that a culture is not adopted over night, a culture is developed over many years of doing the same thing just in different ways. This then goes to the winning culture, one must develop the winning culture through the years of his/her profession. Time and energy are required in order for someone to adopt/develop the wining culture in his/her life, you will need to persevere and never quit. Follow diligently this steps I am giving to you that will help you in developing a winning culture, here they are:

1: Always expect failure, failure will always be there like it or not and so as much as you will want to win you must expect to loose, this makes you be able to always look forward to other competitions or challenges.
2: Always break your records, this is important, as you go on with breaking your own records, you keep on advancing your winning formula. The more you win there more you will like to stay winning.
3: Be consistent with what you do, don't change careers as you want, try to find and stick to one thing until you become perfect.
4:Go For Adventure, when you go out to an adventure you get exited by the possibility of doing what was that you did not welcome
5:Always update your information, if you want to win as quick as possible you will have to know what are the markets doing and how the tech world changed and how your business is going to be affected.


Have you ever felt like you are actually walking in the path to no where, like you do not know where you are going? When you look around you people seem to know what they are doing and their careers are working out just fine but not yours?. Well, this feeling is experienced by many people, including a larger number of the people you think have all things working out fine for them. They may seem happy in what they do but trust me, deep down in there they feel like they are doing something they do not love, they want to quit but since the money is paying bills they finde it difficult to do so.

The fact is, in today's materialistic world, people have lost touch with their inner being, nowadays people no longer pay attention to the needs of the spirit yet they invest more energy in keeping the flesh satisfied. This kind of action makes us unaware of our true self, who we are and what we are placed here on earth to do. We follow most things that will keep our flesh satisfied for a short while and leave the inner being robbed for a long while.

If you want to start walking the path that you are sent here to walk you must start taking good care of the inner-being so that you can be able to dig in the spirit and find your true interest's and capabilities. Work on your capabilities, develop them even further then you will see, in the process of developing your capabilities you will start gaining a huge interest in your capabilities and the whole you. Your capabilities are the ones that will determine your path, you will have to choose between using your capabilities for evil and using them for good. This is not something that can be achieved in a few days, you will have to put in lots of energy and time into digging what ever is in your spirit. Write down almost everything you learn about yourself, from the day you were only 10 years until now, figure out what is that one thing you always liked and had been good at. From there on, start putting things in practice and expect judgement and criticism. Judgement and criticism will have to be used to boost your confidence rather than downgrade.
