The human will is by far the strongest power that has ever existed in the world. The human will surpasses the power of the ocean,the sun,wind and fire. All this things kneel at the command of man. Understand how the human will can reverse the flow of the ocean,change the direction of the wind,cool the heat of the fire and dim the brightness of the sun. Everything that exists in this world branches from the body of man,man is in all this things and because of that he can do as he wishes with everything if he so wills. Thanks to the all mighty God for that gift in man. Imagine what was man going to be if all this things that exist were able to do as they wish to him without him having control on this things. Man would have been far more dead than he is now.

Yes,today many of us are dead but we still wake up in the morning and go to sleep at night. We have become man of flesh,man of lust, who are incapable of executing easy tasks but can execute hard tasks. We have BUILT huge ships and airplanes but can not control storms and predict the future. Man have become machines,many have no will anymore, it has been taken from them by those at the top of the world of flesh. Those who have given away their precious gift from God to the rulers of this world would have the highest price to pay back what they have sold for cheap. For what-ever price offered, will shall not be sold. The human mind that is after materialistic things is the barrier of the human will, the mind that has doubts and fear is also the beerier of the human will, fear and doubt and the love for materialistic possession should be removed so that the human will and its power are fully utilized by an individual, if one wants to get far with life, the Human will shall be utilized. Where there is a will there is a way.
When I was 22, I remember sitting down with one of mentors and eagerly telling him about all of the success I had building my company. Within minutes, I started telling him about a franchise I was getting ready to launch, an investment collective I was going to help expand, and an idea for a new technology company. Throw in the family obligations and my desire to maintain an active lifestyle and I was way over my head.

At this point, I had been engaged with my current company for a little over three years. We had received traction and a bit of publicity, but we were nowhere near our fullest potential. After patiently listening to all of the things I was working on or going to be working on, my mentor directed my attention to one of the most valuable leadership lessons I’ve learned in my life: the disciplined pursuit of less.

The disciplined pursuit of less is an essentialism theory that was coined by Greg McKeon. Simply framed, success is our biggest barrier to becoming very successful. Greg’s rationale is summed up into four phases:
Phase 1: When we really have clarity of purpose, it leads to success.
Phase 2: When we have success, it leads to more options and opportunities.
Phase 3: When we have increased options and opportunities, it leads to diffused efforts.
Phase 4: Diffused efforts undermine the very clarity that led to our success in the first place.

For a couple of months, I resisted this thinking. I reasoned that these different opportunities were things I was supposed to take advantage of so I could be very successful. Overtime, however, something happened. I realized that my fundraising within my current company was slowing, transparency was decreasing, and morale wasn’t where I would’ve liked it to be. In that moment, it was clear that I didn’t have clarity of purpose.
I shifted gears after I carefully evaluated my priorities, my commitments, and my values. As I went through the personal reflection exercise, I started to let my values dictate my commitments and I began to make the difficult decision of letting things go. I learned that I had to say no more often if I was ever going to be able to say yes to the things that I wanted to do.

Taken From

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Many people have tried be to winners just like Bill Gates and the likes, they have tried many times and have found themselves loosing time and time again. This is because they have not realized that winning its culture to Bill Gates and the likes, and as most of us know that a culture is not adopted over night, a culture is developed over many years of doing the same thing just in different ways. This then goes to the winning culture, one must develop the winning culture through the years of his/her profession. Time and energy are required in order for someone to adopt/develop the wining culture in his/her life, you will need to persevere and never quit. Follow diligently this steps I am giving to you that will help you in developing a winning culture, here they are:

1: Always expect failure, failure will always be there like it or not and so as much as you will want to win you must expect to loose, this makes you be able to always look forward to other competitions or challenges.
2: Always break your records, this is important, as you go on with breaking your own records, you keep on advancing your winning formula. The more you win there more you will like to stay winning.
3: Be consistent with what you do, don't change careers as you want, try to find and stick to one thing until you become perfect.
4:Go For Adventure, when you go out to an adventure you get exited by the possibility of doing what was that you did not welcome
5:Always update your information, if you want to win as quick as possible you will have to know what are the markets doing and how the tech world changed and how your business is going to be affected.


Have you ever felt like you are actually walking in the path to no where, like you do not know where you are going? When you look around you people seem to know what they are doing and their careers are working out just fine but not yours?. Well, this feeling is experienced by many people, including a larger number of the people you think have all things working out fine for them. They may seem happy in what they do but trust me, deep down in there they feel like they are doing something they do not love, they want to quit but since the money is paying bills they finde it difficult to do so.

The fact is, in today's materialistic world, people have lost touch with their inner being, nowadays people no longer pay attention to the needs of the spirit yet they invest more energy in keeping the flesh satisfied. This kind of action makes us unaware of our true self, who we are and what we are placed here on earth to do. We follow most things that will keep our flesh satisfied for a short while and leave the inner being robbed for a long while.

If you want to start walking the path that you are sent here to walk you must start taking good care of the inner-being so that you can be able to dig in the spirit and find your true interest's and capabilities. Work on your capabilities, develop them even further then you will see, in the process of developing your capabilities you will start gaining a huge interest in your capabilities and the whole you. Your capabilities are the ones that will determine your path, you will have to choose between using your capabilities for evil and using them for good. This is not something that can be achieved in a few days, you will have to put in lots of energy and time into digging what ever is in your spirit. Write down almost everything you learn about yourself, from the day you were only 10 years until now, figure out what is that one thing you always liked and had been good at. From there on, start putting things in practice and expect judgement and criticism. Judgement and criticism will have to be used to boost your confidence rather than downgrade.


Here comes December, the month where by people will be up and about with entertainment and risky behaviors. This is the time of the year where by people start relaxing from all the work stress and other things, by relaxing, they engage in activities that are risky. This is a un-informed way of relaxing, the best way to relax is to withdrew yourself from the society for some while. This is the time to go back to the drowning board and check if what you aimed to achieve this year has been achieved or not, check why there is such a result and where you can improve your Strategy if needs be. Many wise animals do this, after a short while, animals like the snake go to a secret place where they will make themselves suitable for the upcoming climate. Same as yourself, you must be able to withdrew yourself from the society so that you can go prepare yourself for the upcoming year. Jesus always did this, he would take only three and sometimes non of his diciples to pray with him where there is no people. This act gave him time to re-energize himself and adopt a approach that will be suitable for his next trip. When you withdrew your-self, you go and prepare:

1: The Mind
The mind must be on an environment that well corresponds with the required mindset of the upcoming year, the mindset must make you able to tackle problems that will come with the next year. Read about the type of technology,educational opportunities and business opportunities that might be in your country.

2: The Body

The Body must be fit in the way that bests suit the trend of the upcoming year and that it can withstand the weather of that year.

3: The Soul
The soul is the most important, if you do not deal with your soul, the chances of you being depressed are higher, you need to do meditation and establish a solid foundation of who you are in what you stand for.

Then after you will enter the new year with grace on your face.

Do not be afraid to do little things, little things give birth to bigger things. Lay the little things on top of each other so that you can have that bigger picture you want. Those who start by doing bigger things first get tired quick, they tend to give up along the way because they abuse their energy,they use more energy than it is required. One sesotho proveb says "Lepotlapotla le ja podi, lesisitheho le ja kgomo", meaning those who do things in a hurry tend to get the cheap quality yet those who do things little by little get the bigger quality price, this is because they have invested quality time. If you invest quality time in what you do, a quality product is guaranteed but when you invest little time because you want to get done quick, you will get a product of cheap quality.

Many times the reason why people want to fanish their project quick is because they are in competition, they want to produce first before their competitors produce or they want to shine before their competitor shines. This is ill competition, it is not good for your health and your product too. Let your competitor shine with his/her cheap quality, then follow through with your genuine original high quality. People will have trust in you and whatever you do, because they know that yours is not a cheap line, cheap line is not what you stand for.

You look at the great wall of china, the pyramids of egypt and the likes of rome, you look at them and know that they were not built on one day or within a short period of time. This buildings took a great amount of planning and consultation, various skills were outsourced and the number of days it took to build those buildings were too long, yet those leading the developments of those buildings knew that in order for quality to be produced, they would have to build little by little. The art of building little by little is initially learnt from the ants, which are regarded as one of the smartest creation by far. So here is the Art Of Building Little By Little, this is a summary:

1: Perseverance is needed

Building little by little can make you feel like you are loosing when you see your competitors or your friends doing things much quicker than you, you might end up wanting to quit what your are doing. So you really need to have peperseverancend ensure that you(refer to point 2)..

2: Record Your Progress

Recording your progress gives you the needed motivation, you get motivated when you see that your work is going somewhere and you will be done in the required time

3: Set The Due Date

As much as your are not in a competition or in a hurry, you have to set the time by which you will finish your work. The due date helps us not do too much relaxation and miss out on doing work, that allows us to get work done. The ants know this, that is why they make it a point that they get their job done before winter even starts.

4:Get Motivation

You will have to get motivation now and then motivation is something that you must not loos because whether or not you are going to get things done highly depends on the motivation to get things done. Your motivation can be the progress reports themselves, also get some trusted friends to comment on your progress, depending on who you are, both the negative and positive progress reports will motivate you to keep on going.

5: Do Not Loose The Vision

Once you loose the vision, you can end up working more than it is necessary. The vision will go hand in hand with the time frame of which you have set to achieve the vision. So once you loose the vision you will automatically loose the time frame and the next thing you know, you are on the way too doom.

Baanetse Machona

In life, we come across different issues, we face difficult challenges in different ways. Life is like a ball, it is like a game that you play hoping to win, but sometimes you lose, unfortunately. In each and everyday, people make choices about their lives, meaning that they decide which path of the road they want their lives to be led to.
Who would have known that taking a short or an easy way will bring such a horrible tragedy to your destination? I can say not all of us are willing to travel so far looking for what we want. I remember back then when I was a child, before I could remove all the innocence. Life was the precious thing due to that my mentality was not yet  influenced by the things around the world.

Being in need of something useful it’s a great pain that makes a deep whole inside your heart, especially when both of your parents are living but they do not take full responsibility of their duties. Surely my background has affected me mentality and physically because of the choices my parents made. Sometimes I wish I could turn the time back, I wish I could get one final moment with them.
I would really wish to tell them any choices they make should be the better one for the upcoming reality, most especially for me. They say “it takes a village to raise a child”, but my life was a dark cloud, the world had turned its back on me. It really seemed like I was hustling on my own. Since back then I have made the best choices so that I can shine in the future.

Life is a challenge and it was meant to be the way it is today until forever. It doesn’t begin with me and it won’t end by me. I believe that we always suffer the consequences of our actions. No matter how fast and fair you can run, the past will always hunt you down.
I am not willing to compromise myself, that I am willing take any calculated adventures that will lead me to success. After all I know who I am, I know what I want, I can see where I am heading and finally I know things happen for a good reason. This is what lies beyond life, it is hard to lay, but it’s just a new beginning for my own journey.

By Lindiwe Ndlovu
On "My Perspective On It"

Here comes December, the month where by people will be up and about with entertainment and risky behaviors. This is the time of the year where by people start relaxing from all the work stress and other things, by relaxing, they engage in activities that are risky. This is a un-informed way of relaxing, the best way to relax is to withdrew yourself from the society for some while. This is the time to go back to the drowning board and check if what you aimed to achieve this year has been achieved or not, check why there is such a result and where you can improve your stragey if needs be. Many wise animals do this, after a short while, animals like the snake go to a secret place where they will make themselves suitable for the upcoming climate. Same as yourself, you must be able to withdrew yourself from the society so that you can go prepare yourself for the upcoming year. Jesus always did this, he would take only three and sometimes non of his disciples to pray with him where there is no people. This act gave him time to re-energize himself and adopt a approach that will be suitable for his next trip. When you withdrew your-self, you go and prepare:

1: The Mind
The mind must be on an environment that well corresponds with the required mindset of the upcoming year, the mindset must make you able to tackle problems that will come with the next year. Read about the type of technonoly,educational opportunities and bussiness oportunities that might be in your country.

2: The Body

The Body must be fit in the way that bests suit the trend of the upcoming year and that it can withstand

the weather of that year.

3: The Soul
The soul is the most importent, if you do not deal with your soul, the chances of you being depressed are higher, you need to do meditation and establish a solid foundation of who you are in what you stand for.

Many people want to climb the mountain of greatness, almost everyone wants to be the great in what she/he does but it is always the few of the few that make it to the top of the mountain. This is because it is that few of the few that really knows what it takes to climb the mountain. The few know what to do and when, Nalson Mandela and the 1st person known for climbing mount everest to the top (Sir Edmund Percival) knew that climbing the mountain likely require knowing the following:

1: The mountain climber knows that before he climbs, he must prepare his mind first so that it thinks less of going back when it gets more colder as he climbs. So before you even start climbing the mountain to greatness, you must know that it is going to get all cripy as you reach high levels of your career. You will meet cruel people who are always ready to push other people off so that they can get their way. Your mind must know all the cruel things done on the way to the top so that it does not let you go where you have started. You also know that as you go higher, the mountain will look like it has increased, don't let that illusion fool you.

2: Mountain Climbers practise 80 to 90 days when they are going to climb mount everest, this is so that they get their body and breath prepared for the challenges that they might encounter at mount everest. This must also be done by yourself before climbing the mountain to the greatest. You must start by prapring your discipline, your timing and mental strength. You do this by climbing the smaller mountains, like winning awards at school or in community forums. Start with little competitions and make those little archievements before you go for the big one. This will give you much needed strong points to get on to climbing the big mounatin.

3: Your inner strenght also needs to be activated, mountain climbers do not miss doing meditation so that they can activate their inner strenght and also syncronising the spirit with the body, this makes it possible to make whatever that is wanted by the spirit to be the same thing that is wanted by the body. When the spirit wants to go on with the climbing, the body will not say otherwise. So in whatever little time you get, find a peaceful place and meditate, get to do self introspection and carefully deal with your weaknesses and strentghts.


Every situation is created by a certain mindset, a time frame, and a particular environment, hence it is called "situation", it is about where your mindset is situated, where you are situated and at what time you are in a particular situation. When you are in a situation of brokenness, a situation where by you do not have money, know that you are there because of your mindset,environment and time. When you are in brokenness, it is more likely that your mind is not coming up with achievable money ideas. Your mind is not set in a way that it is able to come up with ideas that can earn you money. It is also likely because you are not always positive,when you see problems you lower down instead of turning the problems into solutions that can make you money. Your environment plays a huge role, if your environment has no money making opportunities, you will be broke, if your environment does not have friends who are positive thinkers, then you will less likely have a positive mindset. The time you invest in doing useless things will determine your reward, if you spend time in doing things that can earn you money, you will then earn money, if you spend your time fulling around, your reward will be brokenness. Also, your time in the period of brokenness is determined by your will to change the situation.
How To Change A Situation?

To change the situation, you will have to

1:  Start by changing the mindset to a one that will get you to the better situation that you so desire, you can do this by reading books and listening to the people who speak the content that you so require.
2: Change your environment and surround yourself with people who are experiencing the situation you want to move to, change your friends, invest money in trips to other suburbs that are dominated by people in your desired situation, attend events/seminars where such people are found.

3: Start investing your time in the things that will
reward you with a step to your desired situation.


You can learn many things from just observing nature, internet pictures and meme's. Here are the 5 things I learnt from observing this picture.

1: Your enemy might have what you need, before eliminating them, extract what you need from them: This is what I mostly tell those black brothers with the idea of driving what people out of Africa, I always tell them to take much needed skills from whites before they do their act.
2: Never ever try to bite the hand that feeds you if you know that you are still going to be hungry.
3: Do not be led by emotions, they can blind you from realizing that your enemy is the one that gives you the spirit to go forward, he/she is the one that motivates you to work on getting yourself better, by eliminating him/her, you will be eliminating Motivation.
4: We live in the world of the yin yen, the left supports the right and the right completes the left. Negative And Opposite work hand in hand, so double check before you get rid of the left.
5:Always choose the position that will keep you safe when whatever you are working on collapses, make sure that its collapse wont affect you more than it will do the others.

By Baanetse Machona
On Monday Motivation with Percy Molapi

Many people have attempted to start their own organizations yet they failed to do so many times. This is because they do not apply the 5 basic steps of  starting and running a organization, this steps are the foundation steps and so a organization can not be built in the absence of the foundation. Here are the 5 steps:

1:Map Out The Version: The most important step is mapping out the version. You might have the version for your organization yet if it is not mapped it is nearly impossible to achieve. You must map down the steps that you are going to follow when you move towards your version, the importance of mapping is so that you can check now and again if you are still on the right path. You also have to convince your team and funders that you know your business.

2:Communicate The Version: Communication will be needed when you have to get team members and funders, you will have to tell them your version and convince them that it is achievable. Communication includes the ability to listen, to convince and to relate. You must listen to what people are saying about your version, whether they think it is not achievable or not, you must listen to their reasons for the judgement they make so that you can be able to respond in a appropriate manner.Where ever you will take your organization, you will need to talk about it, so communication comes as important. You must communicate your version.

3:Pick Up And Set Up A Team: After mapping out and communicating your version, you will have to pick up a team that best suits your version, this are the people that have the capabilities to make the organization go from the start to where it wants to be. This people will show themselves by showing interest in your version when you are still doing step number 2, but you have to make sure that you carefully scrutinize their characters so that you do not pick up pretenders. Then set the team up, put the right people at the right departments as indicated by their characters.

4:Formulate A POA:POA its short for program of action. After setting up a team, it will have to start working on the organizations version, and in order to reach a version work has to be put in, that work is described and put forward by the POA. The POA has to have time and the exact date, and also say who is it that will be responsible for the carrying out of the task. Feedback dates must be also be indicated.

5:Control: After all of the above have been done, you must get into control. Control means checking up that everything you have done goes according to plan and if something does not go according to plan you will have to re-establish it and put it on the right place. Same goes for the team members, if they start showing some undesirable attitudes you will have to call them into order. If all tasks are going according to plan, you will have to start on working on other important things that need to be covered, like registering your organization or finding a suitable office place or finding partners. Goodluck with starting and sustaining your organization.


You might have asked yourself for many times this question, “what stops me from reaching my goals?”, it does not matter what goals they may be, it can be spiritual goals, relationship goals or any goals but you have asked yourself this question somewhere sometime in your life and you might have found it had to come up with a clear answer, not all but many have chosen to skip the answer part, they never really found an answer to this hard question. Well since I have been through that path before and forced myself to find an answer, I will tell you what it is that stops you from reaching your goals, or at least what I think it might be. Here we go!...What stops you from reaching your goal is nothing/no-one but yourself! It is you who tells yourself negative things when the proverbial cookie jar starts to crumble, and note that whatever you tell yourself whenever you are down and out will either propel you towards reaching your goal or will simply hinder you from reaching it. And it is mostly hard to stay positive when you are down and out but you just have to be strong and try because trust me, the most finer/good things in life come at a higher price, they come after many challenges and obstacles and so one has no choice but to stay strong, if you are not going to stay strong then chances that you will not reach your goals are high and in most cases giving up is seen as an easy way out, its your choice.

You really have to be willing to give up your comfort zone, many people are not willing to give up their comfort zone for the harsh reality and hence they do not make it in life. When you give up your comfort zone you will start a journey where along the way you will start getting knowledge about yourself, you will start knowing your strength and weaknesses as you get through the fire and storms of the harsh reality, you will then know how you must defend yourself and how you must attack your opponent. You will have to keep on  moving until you reach your destiny. Imagine if Thomas Edison gave up on his 99th attempt of inventing the light bulb, would we have it today? So if you are not willing to move until you reach your destination you will never know when the time for you to reach your goal will come. The Apostle Paul was beaten many times with rods yet he never stopped preaching the word, he knew that hardships, judgment and being looked down upon were just the other things he had to pass through on his road/journey to his destination, all he had was a strong will to reach his goal. So now that I have answered the question you have been asking yourself for a long time, it would be fair if you answer this question,” do you have the strong will to reach your goal?” .

By Percy Molapi
On Monday Motivation with Percy Molapi

1: Don't Be afraid of what is in front of you, be afraid of what is inside of you, if you trust in the strong points you have within you you then you will have faith in them and that they can lead you to winning what ever price you want.Again don't let what is outside of you be little what is inside, don't be deceived by the outside factor, always trust that the inner factor is greater

2: Do not listen to the nay sayers, David ignored those who said he can not defeat Goliath, nay sayers have the potential of killing the believe that you have for the power within you, so if you give time to the negatives they say, you might end up loosing the believe you have inside you.

3: Win before you even start, David went to that battle with the spirit of someone who had already one. In other words, he had conquered the battle in spirit before he did so in flesh.He also conquered it by heart so when he got to the battle he delivered the same results. The Great Boxer Muhamed Ali also used this trick, he will tell his opponent how he(Ali) is going to win a game and when the game comes the very same thing he(Ali) had said will be the result.

4:Don't take more arms than you could carry, More arms can be a burden for you, so you need to take whatever arms that you think will best work for you and will eliminate the opponent quick and easy, you don't want to fight long fights because you might be more tired than your opponent.

5: Be willing to put a sacrifice, David gave up a huge sacrifice, which was his nation. His nation was going to serve Goliath nation if David was to loose the battle. This sacrifice gave him a boost to his commitment to defeat Goliath, Defeating Goliath was the only thing he was to do because he could not stand loosing his nation. So sacrifices boost our commitment, they make us will more to win.

Champs are not just made, they are planned. They do not come from no where, but they have had many challenges and they did not give up, this is because they were undergoing 4 most important P's to their production. This are Plan,the Plant,the people, and the Process that will all be made of their production.

Plan: Jeremiah 29:11
Before you were even born, it was known that you are going to work which paths, already plans were set for you to be the great that you must be, already challenges were put in places, this challenges were not put in place to make you weak but to make you stronger, to prepare you for the paths your are going to take and to prepare you for the greater purpose that you must achieve. God knew very well that David will be a king, so it was part of the plan that he fights Goliath at same stage so that he becomes prepared for the challenges he is going to face when he serves his purpose. The world was going to be more chaotic than now if people were not created using a plan, everyone was going to do what he wishes and anytime. In fact, the reason for the chaos that the world sees now is that people have runAway from the plan they were supposed to acknowledge. Some people were meant to be doctors but when they saw the challenges that come with being a doctor they run away searching for a new Job/Purpose thus creating what is known as competition of interest.

A plant is where the product is manufactured, Mercedes ha a plant in east landon, this is a place where Mercedes South Africa produces its cars. So people are put to a place where they will be manufactured, this is where the making of the king or social worker takes place. A plant can be a city, a skill or a company, any place where one will be challenged. When Jesus was born, he had to be sent to a plant, where he will be manufactured and produced. That is why the angel instructed Jospeh to take Jesus and his mother to Egypt (Matthew 2:13), also Moses was sent to the Egyptian Pharaohs house for this purpose, to be manufactured. Remember though, that manufacturing has what we call processes, so it happens that a plant that will complete other process becomes a diffarent one, meaning that the initial stage can be in Katlehong yet the final place/plant be in Pretoria. Jesus himself talks about this when he says a prophet is without honor in his hometown and among his relatives(Mark 6:4), this is because his hometown is not where he is produced.

People: The people are the ones that are going to judge you, the ones who are going to critisize you, the ones who will hate you and the ones who will appreciate you. All this people are put there to make you grow, they come to your life to teach you something that will contribute to your purpose. Judas Iscariot was put there to help fulfill the purpose of Jesus, so were his disciples.If we avoid people, we can not even see what is it we are doing right and what is it we are doing wrong. We dont get the help we need if we don't have people to help us. That is why there is a saying in Sotho that says "motho ke motho ka batho", most of what you are is somehow directly or indirectly influenced by people. In Operations management

Processes: This processes include being attacked, being hated, being beaten, winning and losing, being judged, failing. Each and every step of manufacturing is part of the process. All this processes have heat in them, this is because heat is the baker, to bake something or to make something take a certain form heat is needed. Heat is harshness, heat is difficulty and so on and so forth.
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Now in the previous article I talked about being the entrepreneur that can command storms to calm down, I ended that article by posing a question,"how does mere man command a storm" and I promised to answer that question. Now let me do just that. Understand that the tongue has the powe to bring to life what it says, this is why many people who spend most of their time speaking negativity end up in negative situations, it is the tongue that produces the word that makes them end up there. The Biblical scripture(Proverbs:18:21) also attests to this. The Book of Genesis talks about events where God commanded the existence of Light, and after he did so the light did come to existence, in John 10:34 Jesus reminds those that wanted to stone him that they are gods, they were made in the image of God and so they poses in them some of the powers that God has, including the power to command situations. To further prove this point, after command an evil spirit to get out of a boy, the disciples asked Jesus for the reason why they couldn't command it to go out of the boy, Jesus said it is because they dont not have faith. If they had faith as little as a mustard seed, they could command mountains to move and mountains will move. He ended that statement by telling them that faith will make nothing impossible for them.(Metthew 17:20)So you can command storms like Jesus did, in fact you can do more than Jesus did, you can command Summer to be winter or command rain to stop raining. All this with your word, and also you need to trust your word, have faith in your powers and the power of the word you utter. In acts 3:6, when Peter commanded the crippled man to work, he did not have any special power but he had faith in himself and in he that he follows(Jesus), that is why his command was successful, he had faith.

So start commanding the mountains that you want to move to move, mountains can be anything or anyone that is standing in the way of your business success, it can be any thought that is blocking your vision, a mountain can be your history, a mountain can be the negative way that people perceive you, command that mountain to move! Cast that demon called doubt out of you, cast it out of your employees, cast it out of your family members, cast it out of your friends. Command your finances to start growing, command your business to start moving, command your crippled home to start walking up straight. You have the power to do so, just have faith.

Episode 3


Continued from Episode 1.......I could not sleep with her, I was afraid, she was old and ugly. The first night I slept with her, I could not close my eyes, I wanted to sleep on the floor but she insisted I do not. I was shaking, my body was cold and shaking. She kept on telling me to relax and remove my bad imaginations about her. She put her hands around my shoulder, I nearly screamed for help but I could not, the voice would not come out. I felt something moving on the bed, something that felt like a snake, I turned my eyes and looked at her only to find out that she has totally transformed. She no longer looked like she did the last time I lied my eyes on her. I could not believe what I saw, she had transformed herself into a young beautiful woman again, this time, she was on my bed, I thought then that this is the woman I saw on that dream, the woman who asked me to marry her. She had come to be my wife, we are married now. Since from that day, I had came to terms with her existence in my life, and had also acknowledged that for every good that comes in my life, there is a person whose life will be sacrificed. Life works like that, you sacrifice something to get the other. Someday at school, we were playing on the  campus field during our break time with my friends,we were playing soccer and as we were playing I saw the picture of BabesWemali flashing in the air and she told me that she wants to eat, and I said eat. After a few seconds, one of my friends fainted after kicking the ball to the goal poles. We rushed to him and tried to wake him up, but he was already dead. It appeared to me that BabezWemali had eaten this innocent boy, but instead of feeling sorry for him and panicking, I felt a sence of excitement in me, because I knew then that good things will come running to me. And indeed they did, I got my first car that December, a all White Polo Vivo. It made me feel all type of way, I attended every party on campus and drunk all the top names of Alcohol brands. Soz'Mali was the nickname I got at campus, and I started dating very attractive girls, but I could not sleep with them because whenever I tryed to do so BabezWemali will show up and threaten to take all that she has given me. I realized that this thing of me being unable to sleep with this women who throw themselves on me is not really going to work out, so I asked Babez what is it that I have to do so that I can sleep with other women, she told me that I will have to kill them after sex. That I did.

I still remember my first victim, Lerato, Lerato was hela sexy, she was 23, tall and light in complexion. She was attracted by the beauty of my polo, we met at a party at Eskhaleleni in Katlehong, I took her to the polo, we got inside and I moved from where there was too many people to a nearer place that had not so many people moving around on the streets, it was late at night at about 9pm. I did all sorts of things to her while we were having sex in the car, I turned her upside down, doggy style, we went at the back sits of the car and got back at the front. After I was done with her, I pulled up a wine that I had mixed with the rat tax poison and offered her, she took it and drunk. I drove her back to Eskhaleleni and drooped her off. After a while, I got to my car and drove off so that I do not get linked to her death. The next morning when I got on facebook, I read that she was no longer. When I saw that this thing of people around me dying when I am there might get me into trouble, I realized that I have to set a plan, a plan that will cover me up. I had to make something that will make it hard for people to connect me  the dearth. So I drew up a plan, "I will run for SRC President and when ever I have to do a sacrifice, I will lead the students to a march and orchestrate a deadly accident to take place, killing at least 7 people, this will last me for some time, I will help struggling students with their financial crisis and run for counsel when I get back to my neighborhood. I will own taxis and buses so that I can involve them into accidents, my involvement will be had to trace if I do such", I closed the notepad, got out of my res and drove from Wits to my parents home in Katlehong east rand where i WILL SEE BabezWemali after a long period of time.

To be continued Monday

Episode 1
You see the thing is, I couldn't allow my self to die poor, no!. So I had to take the deal, the deal that will change my life for better and that of my parents. I wanted this luxury cars that I have now, I wanted this big mansion and the hottest wife I have on my bed everyday, but little do people know that she turns into a snake at night, literally, and she drains my blood. I just live with it, I am now used to this arrangements, besides, there is nothing for mahala. I call her BabesWemali, sometimes I call her BlesserWifi, but she well prefers BabesWemali, she turns into all kinds of sexy women when I call her BabesWemali, she turns to Kim Kardershian, Mini Dlamini or Beyonce when I call her with that name. I am a saint in my community, I fund the daily operation of the Love Fountain Orphanage Center, every month I give school shoes to the needy children at Reyaahana primary school and do all other good things, like giving the guys at the street corner R100 for beer. Money has made me the Good King in my community. People don't know the bad stuff I do, I kill those who know. Just yesterday, I killed my next door neighbor, I sent her to an all payed trip to carnival city and I instructed my guys to mug and kill her just after she gots of the taxi. The reason I got rid of her was because she overhead me talking to BabesWemali, BabesWemali wanted blood so I told her that I will set up ten taxis to be involved in accidents, atleast then she will get much blood to last for 2  years. So I did so, everything Mnotho wants done it gets done, no body gets into the way of Mnotho and get away with it, Ngiyayi bulala inja mina.So we have managed to kill at least 40 people, this much blood will make BabesWemali get off my back for 2 years and she will stop taking the lives of women I date outside of our marriage.

I had a dream one day, after I cried so much about my poor situation at the park. In the dream, I saw the grany who was sitting next to me at the park floating in the river, she called my Name," Mnotho Wabatho!Mnotho Wabatho, come take me and I will make you rich forever, come take me as your wife and the riches of the world will be all yours",I wondered what was this ugly granny doing in my dreams, why is she floating in the river, she kept on calling me and I went to her little by little, as I was getting nearer she changed to a beautiful young woman with a very attractive body, she made seductive moves as I got near and she kept on calling me with a soft voice. When I was near enough, she got out of the river, worked her now sexy curved body towards me, she touched my face, brushed it, and asked me if I would take her as her wife, I told her that I am only 18 and  I live with my parents in a one room house so I don't have a place to stay with her. She told me that is not something I must worry about and age is nothing but a number, she will satisfy me and change my life for the better and that is all that matters. I agreed to marry her, she smiled and kissed me. The kiss hurt so much that I woke up immediately and realized that my lips were bleeding, I sucked the blood and swallowed it. The next morning I went to school and later on I had an argument with my english teacher about the importance of starting a sentence with a capital alpahabet. The argument got heated to such an extent that my anger was provoked and I pushed her, she fall at the edge of the table and she died. That w
as my first time of killing. I did not get arrested, my classmates did not hate me, instead people started to love me in school, I started becoming happy in life and good things came my way. The same year, at school I won a maths competition and I was rewarded R50 000 and a bursary to study at Wits. In Matric, I got 6 distinctions and the Department of Education built my parents a house. I did my matrick at the age of 20, all things were well until 21, this is when a old woman came to my parents house and demanded to stay with us or else she will talk with the department of education to take back their house and we will loose everything. My parents chased her away and the next day the department of education called our house and said they want us out of the house in three months time. The woman came back later that day and my parents succumbed to her demands, the thing is, she asked to sleep with me in my bedroom.

To be continued on Thursday.

Jesus and his disciples were entrepreneurs, they wanted to profit something and that's something was the spreading of the Gospel and the winning of many souls to the kingdom of Christ, they had plans to get their clients(souls) and ways to reach them. Now this entrepreneur used one major transport to reach their destination, they used what I call the entrepreneur ship, they would use this ship to go overseas to do business there. One day they were going to one of their destination using the ship (Mark 4:35-41), this time around they met an unexpected challenge, A storm came when they were not expecting it, the storm nearly took the ship down into the waters but because the captain of the ship was though enough, he was able to calm down the storm by saying  "Quit, Be Still". Had he not been tough enough, their ship was going down and they wouldn't reach their destination, their business was going to be hugely affected. So the question arises then, are you the tough entrepreneur that can come storms when they are thrown at your businesses, your disciples(your workers) will call you when the times of loss and other troubles hit your ship(business).

So now you get it, you the entrepreneur are the captain of the ship which is your business, with this ship you want to reach a destination which is making profit out of what you sell to your customers. But like it or not, businesses face storms, it faces waves, and so you must be a strong captain that does not only run away from storms or jump them but a strong enough captain that calms down the storms. You might be asking yourself now, "how is it possible that I command profit loss to get away, how do I command not to get to my business?" Well it is possible and tomorrow we will give you tips on how to do so.


One thing that people who want to change their lives struggle wit is removing negativity from their lives, this is a hardest yet simple thing to do. You really have to be focused and willing in order for you start removing negativity from your life and your mind.And most of all know that you will have to loose people you love, you will be hated by some of your best friend but hey, whose life is it. You came in this earth to be the best and you have to own that, you must be sure that you really want to better your life. So let me give you only three things that can help you remove negativity from your life:

1: Read Positive Content
I suggest that you start reading motivational books, motivational books mostly give advice's that will most likely uplift your spirit. Read fashion magazines and other magazines that talk about a luxurious and progressive life, this will make your spirit want to have this things, so your mind will be occupied by the desire to have this fashion and big houses. The ill thoughts of doubt will start sinking bit by bit.

2: Associate Yourself With Positive People

So when you start talking about the things you read, the likes of the car you like, the big house you want to have and the things you want to do and do want to do, you will start attracting people who think positively, people whop want to hear good advice's and life tips. This will be people who have this things, are close at getting them, and those who have the desire to get them. Their willing energy will rub on you and you will grow more positive.

3: Shut Out The Noise, and Focus On Yourself

By this I mean that, you have to dig in yourself, you have to do introspection. By this you will be able to get rid of the bad stuff, you will know your strength, weakness,opportunities and threats. Introspection also help us focus our energies so you will be able to focus your energies in removing the negativity you have to getting more positive.
I have seen many entrepreneurs in the township, I have been in contact with them are some I have been helping them start their businesses. One thing I have noticed from from many of them is that they do not know their brand or do not have a vision of their brand as to where they want it to be and how they want it to be received by people, in fact many township entrepreneurs do not focus on their brand, they focus on sales and profit more than anything else forgetting that a business goes together with the brand. If your brand is tainted or has lots of negetivities associated with it, chances are, you won't make profit at all. People run away from a bad brand, and your brand can be bad without you even noticing that so it is of necessity that one gives much needed attention to building and maintaining a positive brand and the one that lasts longer. Tech gurus like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates know the power of maintaining a good brand, that is why their companies Marketing campaign focuses mostly on keeping their brand in the minds of the people. Steve Jobs told this to his team of marketing, he told them to come up with a campaign that resonates with what they stand for, what they stand for is part and parcel of their brand. So I have come up with 5 things you can do to make your brand good and maintain that, here they are:

1: Focus on one thing

The Brand of companies that focused on one thing lasted longer than those that focused on multiple non related services. Apple and Microsoft strictly focused on selling computerized devices, they did not go and sell shoes or furniture, they focused on what they know best and that is why today when you talk about Microsoft or apple an individual will automatically remember a company that deals with phones and computers. So you have to work with one thing that you are good at and develop that and sell it to people.

2: Enhance your self Image

You can not build a powerful and progressive company brand while you the owner does not have a powerful brand, you must work on your self and build your positive self image, this type of energy you put in building your brand will work for your company, it will work for everything that you associate yourself with, for example, If Thabiso is well trusted by people, chances are, they will buy everything he says its good for their health. But when Sipho who is hated by people start selling something, they will doubt buying that product or buying from his company.

3: Copy and Edit

There will always be a brand better than yours and so you will have to keep on advancing, so the better way to make sure that the brand better than yours does not overtake your market, you will have to copy some characteristics of the best brand and edit them to suit your brand.

4: Associate Your Brand

There are people who stand for the same thing that your brand stands for, they are celebrities who have or represent the same values that are associated with your brand. So to promote your brand and build it further, make those people your brand ambassadors, not only will this strengthen your brand, it will also help you get a much wider audience coming from the fans or audience of the people you use as brand ambassadors.

5: Buy Off Companies

Not any other company, but you have top buy off smaller companies that are a threat to your brand. Like It Or not, the corporate world is very competitive, so if you do not eliminate a potential competition you will be left out. Bill Gates knew that very well, he bought off many companies like Nokia that had a potential of making Microsoft's brand irrelevant. Facebook also did the same buy buying off watsapp, because watsapp actually could have made facebook irrelevant, or at least it has the power to do so.

@B_Machona on twitter.

The Power of 1: Prayer  2: Healthy Self Confidence 3: Healthy Friendships and 4: An Informed Mind. By Baanetse Machona

When I wrote about this four  things that changed my life, I did not explain how and why this main four things played a major role in doing so.( go to read my story here to read my story ) So let me explain to you how and why this things can change your life for the better. Starting with the informed mind all the way to Prayer

Proverbs 18:15
Quran, 20:114
1: An informed mind helps us make informed decisions and when you make an informed decisions you are not likely to end up in trouble. An informed decision takes into an account the good and the bad that will come when taken. You get to weigh whether the decision you want to take will benefit you or will lend you into trouble. You are able to do so because you are informed, you are a reader and a well observer, you know from what you observed and read what kind of benefits or troubles do a certain decision bring to an individual. You have observed how people who decided to abuse alcohol ended, you have read how people who decided to invest their money(the Likes of Warren Buffet) benefited from such decisions. Over and above, your are iner-formed, meaning that you know your strength and weaknesses,iner-formation is to understand what is within, which is yourself. When you understand your strength and weaknesses, you will make decisions that will best suit your strength and not exploit your weaknesses. An informed mind because your weapon to fight whatever life throws at you, it gives you better options that strengthen whatever action or reaction you will take in response to what life throws at you. So it is important that we also invest our time into listening to ourselves and at what others say, observing what we and others do, and also reading the opinions and experience of others because this equips us with one of the most powerful weapons which is information.

 Proverbs 27
Quran 25:27
2: Healthy Friendships are the type that make you better than what you are now, healthy friendships add something positive and new to your information as much as they take from you what is new and positive two them, they do not subtract only. This is the opposite of the Unhealthy friendships, this are the ones that take a lot from you and add nothing in return, others do feed you negativity and use your positive information, in other words they kill you while you make them better. The other type of unhealthy friendships are the ones that take something positive from you but do not use it, this are the ones whom you give a business plan/idea yet they do not use it or at least try to use it, it is bad because they are not giving you a chance to observe and learn from them. Healthy friendships give you positive actions to observe, positive advice, they are always real to you, they support your ideas and most of all encourage you to be better by challenging you every day! you dont want to be friend people who do not want a house yet you want a house, people who do not want to be better than they are now yet you want to be better than you are now. Friendships should grow you, infact every relationship you make with any one must make you better than now.

Nehemiah 6:16
3:Healthy Self Confidence means that you feel good about yourself and so project that to people. You are to people what you feel about yourself, when you do a good act on stage yet you think/feel that it
Self Confidence, Image from Pininterest
is not good, a not so good act is what people will also see. When you are not sure about what you are doing, people will also doubt you and so will the universe. You must have a healthy self confidence, you must trust at what you are doing and at the same time open a room for criticism and judgement and build around that. A healthy self confidence means that you trust yourself enough to such an
extent that what people say about you or what you do wont take you back but you will be able to use that to better yourself. A healthy confidence is also the ability to know what to take in and what not to take in. When you don't trust yourself, you are more likely to always make mistakes in every activity you partake in. Take the bibles David for example, David did not know of Goliath nor been in a fight with him before, but because he had a Healthy self confidence, he did not take to heart what people said about the might of Goliath, he was sure that he(coming in the name of the Lord) will defeat Goliath and he did, matter of fact is, David defeated Goliath way before he faced him, he defeated Goliath in his Imagination first before he did so physical. That is what a healthy self confidence does to a person, you nail an interview way before you even get to it, and when you get to it you nail it also. This is because you trusted your self. When you dont have self confidence you loose before you even get there, by the time you work out of your house you have already failed the interview.  So you need to work on your self confidence, you do that by removing your eyes and ears from negativity, you start hanging out with positive friends, you read positive materiel, you go out and look at good and beautiful  places like Sandton that will give you the desire to be better than what you are now.

4: Prayer has been said many times to be powerful, the Bible has said so, the Quran has said so, and The Secret has said so. When you pray you are sending words to the universe, you are sending
Image From
commands or your wishes and the universe will push you towards those wishes. Also prayer, as Christians belief, is the communication between an individual and God then God listens and respond to those prayers. But I would like to put it as you sending words to the universe and the universe respond. Everything that is formed in this universe is formed a the word ( see So I would like you to read for yourself really the power of Prayer, that is why I started with it as a point yet put it as the last point to explain, this is because it is much important yet only the individual can decipher himself/herself the power of prayer.

By Baanetse Machon. @B_Machona Twitter

Growing up in a township, one gets to witness many things that tend to withhold many people from being the best that they can possibly be, one of those people is a young vibrant man from Katlehong who decided to try and help people, especially those from the township to start removing all this negative things and start creating a better future for themselves. Tshepo Nkosi is the author of Township Boys, a book that addresses almost all the negatives things that hold people from time management to lack of determination. Township Boys is not targeted to township boys or people only, it is for everyone who would like to start changing his/her life and (as our companies founder Baanetse Machona) would always say, what other better way of changing your life is better than changing the thoughts of your brain by giving it healthy food for thoughts?


Tshepo says that if his book does not change your life, you might us well bring it back and you will be refunded, but we say, if this book does not give you the edge to make your self a better person then we doubt anything else will. Get Your Copy of Township Boys from Tshepo by calling him on 0743497671 and he will deliver it to you.

Lets be clear here white people don't vote for ANC neither do they vote for any black political party.whites are clear of whom they associate themselves with and their position in regards to relationships.The relationship whites have with blacks is what can be referred  as sex with no strings attached, don't call us we will call you  kind of a relationship.

 A warning to my  black  fellow brothers and sisters white supremacy will  use you maybe cut you a snack of what you sold-out  but it will never go into bed with you not because it hates but because of the color of your skin even the late president Mandela  would have confirmed that no amount of selling out can lead whites into your bed.

perhaps I should  pose a question to my African brothers and sisters who might disagree with me in particular those who have relationships with whites and believe in rainbow nation, have you ever went to a funeral of  your white"friends"?if this question doesn't intrigue something within you well i'm sorry.

The part I respect about whites it's honest,whites are screwing us,they know it and they  don't even  deny it today whites have what we had which is unity and we do what they used to do fight one another tables have turned god has replaced the devil what used to be  cruel has been inherited by whites,all we have is Jesus and churches all around our communities,the funny part is with so many churches around level of crime,alcohol abuse and drug abuse have worsen and this reminds me of the father of black consciousness Steve Bantu Biko who said black man  you are on your own.

Whites are racist on their nature  they use to criticize Mandela irrespective of what he did for them even when he sold out they were saying there is nothing you can do for us to accept you and for blacks this is a lesson. Africans please never expect and want recognition from whites. the same Mandela who has become a darling praised by the racist whites called the Democratic alliance yesterday was an  enemy labelled a terrorist  they even  contested election against him ,today he is a hero black man watch out.

as I've declared the  respect I have  for whites and the position whites took they were clear with Mandela nothing can make us vote for ANC,but what is surprising with the ANC is its  loyalty with whites, the African National Congress love whites even when ANC took over power and  office of presidency it had them on their governance but what is shocking is even after the demonstration of whites by voting against the ANC they still stuck with them Whites love one another  one clear position taken by whites was not  to arrest one of their own jails are over-crowding by blacks who were arrested during the apartheid regime.

at some point we must be clear whites never left office they still in charge and are tired of masquerading with a black political party investors  are getting impatient they need to regain trust and what's the better way than putting a white party in power.

Many black people in particular those from black consciousness and pan Africanism background are asking themselves ,how come blacks betrayed so fast  by voting a racist party the  answer is Mandela paved the way.

The question perhaps we have to ask ourselves is how come we are  in a position we are in today,the answer remains the same have a clear understanding we have to ask ourselves who was Mandela and which specific role did he played which still affects us today.
Mandela was a puppet who was used by whites told what to say,when to say what and where to say it .to some Mandela was a messiah a  man with a beautiful profile spent 27 years in jail hero to many sell out to few a man who mastered compromising and compromised  the compromised agenda of the African National Congress,whites use to write his speeches in particular the" i have fought for white domination speech" perpahs if he was still alive he was going to tell us what is it that he fought against which was dominated by blacks.

Mandela a man who had power and if the was anyone blacks were prepared and willing  to go to war for it was him,but he chose reconciliation without justice advocated for a  rainbow nation and failed his people.
The legacy of Mandela is a virus we need to crush which is spreading faster than ebola,by the way what happened to ebola perhaps it's a topic for another day.Mandela preached rainbow nation so well that blacks accepted it  without  any hesitation and revolt. We can’t blame blacks for being fooled anyone could have been bought this sweet architecture d story of Mandela.

The outstanding question Is  where do DA votes come from,let me deal with this Mandela preached rainbow nation majority of our people bought it and fell for it the message was communicated so well that almost every household got it including my home.rainbow nation being preached so well majority fell for it so the answer to the question is the legacy of rainbow nation is starting to show,the fruits are growing  people can relate with rainbow nation since their hero Mandela advocated for it so even today some of black’s  can't understand how Mmusi Is being used they think we are one as Mandela said it.

So fellow Africans the fruits of Mandela rainbow nation are starting to show so brace yourself black man DA is growing and until we tackle rainbow nation and expose it for what it is faked forced marriage Da will take power.

By Lihle Nyanda