Monday Motivation: Learn From Observing

You can learn many things from just observing nature, internet pictures and meme's. Here are the 5 things I learnt from observing this picture.

1: Your enemy might have what you need, before eliminating them, extract what you need from them: This is what I mostly tell those black brothers with the idea of driving what people out of Africa, I always tell them to take much needed skills from whites before they do their act.
2: Never ever try to bite the hand that feeds you if you know that you are still going to be hungry.
3: Do not be led by emotions, they can blind you from realizing that your enemy is the one that gives you the spirit to go forward, he/she is the one that motivates you to work on getting yourself better, by eliminating him/her, you will be eliminating Motivation.
4: We live in the world of the yin yen, the left supports the right and the right completes the left. Negative And Opposite work hand in hand, so double check before you get rid of the left.
5:Always choose the position that will keep you safe when whatever you are working on collapses, make sure that its collapse wont affect you more than it will do the others.

By Baanetse Machona
On Monday Motivation with Percy Molapi