4 Powerful Things That Can Change Your Life For Better

The Power of 1: Prayer  2: Healthy Self Confidence 3: Healthy Friendships and 4: An Informed Mind. By Baanetse Machona

When I wrote about this four  things that changed my life, I did not explain how and why this main four things played a major role in doing so.( go to read my story here to read my story ) So let me explain to you how and why this things can change your life for the better. Starting with the informed mind all the way to Prayer

Proverbs 18:15
Quran, 20:114
1: An informed mind helps us make informed decisions and when you make an informed decisions you are not likely to end up in trouble. An informed decision takes into an account the good and the bad that will come when taken. You get to weigh whether the decision you want to take will benefit you or will lend you into trouble. You are able to do so because you are informed, you are a reader and a well observer, you know from what you observed and read what kind of benefits or troubles do a certain decision bring to an individual. You have observed how people who decided to abuse alcohol ended, you have read how people who decided to invest their money(the Likes of Warren Buffet) benefited from such decisions. Over and above, your are iner-formed, meaning that you know your strength and weaknesses,iner-formation is to understand what is within, which is yourself. When you understand your strength and weaknesses, you will make decisions that will best suit your strength and not exploit your weaknesses. An informed mind because your weapon to fight whatever life throws at you, it gives you better options that strengthen whatever action or reaction you will take in response to what life throws at you. So it is important that we also invest our time into listening to ourselves and at what others say, observing what we and others do, and also reading the opinions and experience of others because this equips us with one of the most powerful weapons which is information.

 Proverbs 27
Quran 25:27
2: Healthy Friendships are the type that make you better than what you are now, healthy friendships add something positive and new to your information as much as they take from you what is new and positive two them, they do not subtract only. This is the opposite of the Unhealthy friendships, this are the ones that take a lot from you and add nothing in return, others do feed you negativity and use your positive information, in other words they kill you while you make them better. The other type of unhealthy friendships are the ones that take something positive from you but do not use it, this are the ones whom you give a business plan/idea yet they do not use it or at least try to use it, it is bad because they are not giving you a chance to observe and learn from them. Healthy friendships give you positive actions to observe, positive advice, they are always real to you, they support your ideas and most of all encourage you to be better by challenging you every day! you dont want to be friend people who do not want a house yet you want a house, people who do not want to be better than they are now yet you want to be better than you are now. Friendships should grow you, infact every relationship you make with any one must make you better than now.

Nehemiah 6:16
3:Healthy Self Confidence means that you feel good about yourself and so project that to people. You are to people what you feel about yourself, when you do a good act on stage yet you think/feel that it
Self Confidence, Image from Pininterest
is not good, a not so good act is what people will also see. When you are not sure about what you are doing, people will also doubt you and so will the universe. You must have a healthy self confidence, you must trust at what you are doing and at the same time open a room for criticism and judgement and build around that. A healthy self confidence means that you trust yourself enough to such an
extent that what people say about you or what you do wont take you back but you will be able to use that to better yourself. A healthy confidence is also the ability to know what to take in and what not to take in. When you don't trust yourself, you are more likely to always make mistakes in every activity you partake in. Take the bibles David for example, David did not know of Goliath nor been in a fight with him before, but because he had a Healthy self confidence, he did not take to heart what people said about the might of Goliath, he was sure that he(coming in the name of the Lord) will defeat Goliath and he did, matter of fact is, David defeated Goliath way before he faced him, he defeated Goliath in his Imagination first before he did so physical. That is what a healthy self confidence does to a person, you nail an interview way before you even get to it, and when you get to it you nail it also. This is because you trusted your self. When you dont have self confidence you loose before you even get there, by the time you work out of your house you have already failed the interview.  So you need to work on your self confidence, you do that by removing your eyes and ears from negativity, you start hanging out with positive friends, you read positive materiel, you go out and look at good and beautiful  places like Sandton that will give you the desire to be better than what you are now.

4: Prayer has been said many times to be powerful, the Bible has said so, the Quran has said so, and The Secret has said so. When you pray you are sending words to the universe, you are sending
Image From OakBrookPca.com
commands or your wishes and the universe will push you towards those wishes. Also prayer, as Christians belief, is the communication between an individual and God then God listens and respond to those prayers. But I would like to put it as you sending words to the universe and the universe respond. Everything that is formed in this universe is formed a the word ( see  goo.gl/BeRndI). So I would like you to read for yourself really the power of Prayer, that is why I started with it as a point yet put it as the last point to explain, this is because it is much important yet only the individual can decipher himself/herself the power of prayer.

By Baanetse Machon. @B_Machona Twitter