
Finding The Purposed Path

Have you ever felt like you are actually walking in the path to no where, like you do not know where you are going? When you look around you people seem to know what they are doing and their careers are working out just fine but not yours?. Well, this feeling is experienced by many people, including a larger number of the people you think have all things working out fine for them. They may seem happy in what they do but trust me, deep down in there they feel like they are doing something they do not love, they want to quit but since the money is paying bills they finde it difficult to do so.

The fact is, in today's materialistic world, people have lost touch with their inner being, nowadays people no longer pay attention to the needs of the spirit yet they invest more energy in keeping the flesh satisfied. This kind of action makes us unaware of our true self, who we are and what we are placed here on earth to do. We follow most things that will keep our flesh satisfied for a short while and leave the inner being robbed for a long while.

If you want to start walking the path that you are sent here to walk you must start taking good care of the inner-being so that you can be able to dig in the spirit and find your true interest's and capabilities. Work on your capabilities, develop them even further then you will see, in the process of developing your capabilities you will start gaining a huge interest in your capabilities and the whole you. Your capabilities are the ones that will determine your path, you will have to choose between using your capabilities for evil and using them for good. This is not something that can be achieved in a few days, you will have to put in lots of energy and time into digging what ever is in your spirit. Write down almost everything you learn about yourself, from the day you were only 10 years until now, figure out what is that one thing you always liked and had been good at. From there on, start putting things in practice and expect judgement and criticism. Judgement and criticism will have to be used to boost your confidence rather than downgrade.
