
5 Steps To Take When Starting A Sustainable Organization

Many people have attempted to start their own organizations yet they failed to do so many times. This is because they do not apply the 5 basic steps of  starting and running a organization, this steps are the foundation steps and so a organization can not be built in the absence of the foundation. Here are the 5 steps:

1:Map Out The Version: The most important step is mapping out the version. You might have the version for your organization yet if it is not mapped it is nearly impossible to achieve. You must map down the steps that you are going to follow when you move towards your version, the importance of mapping is so that you can check now and again if you are still on the right path. You also have to convince your team and funders that you know your business.

2:Communicate The Version: Communication will be needed when you have to get team members and funders, you will have to tell them your version and convince them that it is achievable. Communication includes the ability to listen, to convince and to relate. You must listen to what people are saying about your version, whether they think it is not achievable or not, you must listen to their reasons for the judgement they make so that you can be able to respond in a appropriate manner.Where ever you will take your organization, you will need to talk about it, so communication comes as important. You must communicate your version.

3:Pick Up And Set Up A Team: After mapping out and communicating your version, you will have to pick up a team that best suits your version, this are the people that have the capabilities to make the organization go from the start to where it wants to be. This people will show themselves by showing interest in your version when you are still doing step number 2, but you have to make sure that you carefully scrutinize their characters so that you do not pick up pretenders. Then set the team up, put the right people at the right departments as indicated by their characters.

4:Formulate A POA:POA its short for program of action. After setting up a team, it will have to start working on the organizations version, and in order to reach a version work has to be put in, that work is described and put forward by the POA. The POA has to have time and the exact date, and also say who is it that will be responsible for the carrying out of the task. Feedback dates must be also be indicated.

5:Control: After all of the above have been done, you must get into control. Control means checking up that everything you have done goes according to plan and if something does not go according to plan you will have to re-establish it and put it on the right place. Same goes for the team members, if they start showing some undesirable attitudes you will have to call them into order. If all tasks are going according to plan, you will have to start on working on other important things that need to be covered, like registering your organization or finding a suitable office place or finding partners. Goodluck with starting and sustaining your organization.
